Quality Unit
Quality in DUH is all about maintaining a desired level of excellence through systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in our health care service. Besides to get local and external accreditation.
Our plan divides into three sub-plans (Patient safety plan, Quality improvement plan, and risk management plan) and each sub-plan has its own activities.
Patient safety plan: An approach to improve patient safety and reduce medical errors by creating a culture of safety to share and learn from information related to patient safety events. Through Improvement Projects and initiatives Performance Indicators and measures (KPI/PM).
Quality improvement plan: A comprehensive approach for the continuous study and improvement of the processes of providing health care services to meet the needs of patients and others. Over Just Culture Patient safety assessment International & national safety goals (ESR/IPSG). In addition, Quality Rounds is a shared activity between Quality improvement and Patient safety.
Risk management plan: Clinical and administrative activities that organization undertake to identify, to evaluate, and to reduce the risk of injury to patients, staff, and visitors and the risk of loss to the organization itself. By Clinical Risk management Hazardous mapping & severity risk assessment. As well, Incident reporting is a shared activity between Risk management and Patient safety.