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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Special Clinics

Specialty Clinics

The treatment physicians in the specialized clinics are faculty members and specialists who provide treatment for complex cases referred to them from the Department of Public Clinics or from students in various specialties.

Conservative treatment clinics

This section includes clinics and specialists specialized in preventive treatment and therapeutic and cosmetic treatments and teeth whitening using modern materials and devices, patients are received in this section after the initial examination and determine the appropriate treatment plan for each case.

Department of nerve and root canal treatment

This section contains consultants clinics and specialists specialized in the treatment of nerve and root teeth, which include the latest clinics devices such as micro-microscope to deal with difficult cases in this area. Patients are admitted to this section after the initial examination and determine the appropriate treatment plan for each case.

Dentistry Clinics (fixed and mobile)

This section contains specialized consulting clinics and specialists with high experience in the work of fixed and mobile installations of all types and all cases. Patients are admitted to this section after the initial examination and determine the appropriate treatment plan for each case.

Department of gum and mouth diseases

This section contains specialized consultant clinics and specialist specialists in the field of gum diseases and surgery, agriculture and cosmetic gum treatment. Patients are admitted to this section after the initial examination and determine the appropriate treatment plan for each case.

Clinics of face and jaw surgery

This section contains specialized consultant clinics and specialist specialists in the field of face and jaw surgery. This section deals with all cases of dislocation of teeth as well as surgical dislocation and agriculture. Patients are admitted to this section after initial examination and to ensure that they can not maintain age and need to be removed.


Orthodontic clinics

This section contains specialist consulting clinics and specialists with high experience in the field of orthodontics and provide the necessary consultations in this specialty. Patients are admitted to this section after the initial examination and determine the appropriate treatment plan for each case.

Pediatric Dentistry Clinics

This section contains specialized consultant clinics and specialist specialists in the field of pediatric dentistry where the section contains the appropriate clinics to deal with the child and overcome the fear of the dentist, in addition to the presence of gas funny to deal with the child is not cooperating in the clinic and the treatment necessary to preserve the teeth And keep it intact until the appearance of permanent teeth. Patients are admitted to this section after the initial examination and the appropriate treatment plan for each case.

Clinics for diagnosing oral and dental diseases

This section includes specialized consultants and specialists specialized in the diagnosis of various diseases of oral and dental fungal or bacterial or viral, and treatment of various cases of disorders of the joints of the temporal jaws and facial and jaw pain. Patients are admitted to this section after the initial examination and the appropriate treatment plan for each case

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 2:32ص